Friday, January 30, 2009


The Mill. Amazing work. Check out the showreel.


Today was a monumental day in America. No, not because of my first ever vlog (although it's awesomeness surely is noteworthy) but because of Olivia Munn. For those of you who were unaware, National Pie Day was on January 23rd. For most, it was a day that went unnoticed. For Ms. Munn, however, it was an inspiration. Olivia set out to make the last week in January National Pie Week. Fuck bailouts. Fuck war. This nation needs hope. This nation needs PIE. In her efforts to make this week national pie week, Olivia created a petition to send to Congress to make this holy week known. Attack of the Show has been one of my favorite shows since it first aired. Kevin Pereira is nothing short of a glorious nerdy warrior...and Olivia...a goddess. Its moments like THIS that keep me hooked. I highly recommend that you try it.

Damn good television. Oh and dont forget to check out Olivia's new site

Why am I whoring myself out to these pie loving creatures? Because I'm on a quest my friends. In time you will understand.
